Halloween 2006

For Halloween we were invited to a wonderful party in Cannon Farms. We didn't know the owners of the home, but since when has that stopped us from going to a good party? Jody and I went as Steve Irwin and the Stingray, complete with bloody barb and all. It may sound cruel and tasteless, and it probably was. Everybody got a good laugh and we walked away with first prize for most creative. The Homriches, Hites, Eardleys, Larsens, and many more were invited. The highlight of the night was Brett's pimp costume and all the lovely "ladies of the evening" that congregated around him. The ice luge was a ton of fun! Stephanie showed once again why she is the Queen of all Servers. Every time you turned around she was making you belly up to the luge. Hondo got so twisted he was hurtin' for 3 days. We just cant' party like we used to!
Labels: party halloween